Setting services on a regular windows opened via the command [Run] by typing services.msc. Or it could also be opened via the Computer Management. Starting from the right click MyComputer> Manage. In the window that appears select the services and applications.
In the course of time we sometimes make changes to the startup type of services to enable the service to be automatic or manually change it from automatic to manual even possible to make it disable. This change was done for a specific purpose, which is to enable or make a specific service manual in accordance with our needs, or can we change it to disable the service because it is not necessary.
One example, because the computer is not connected to the Internet, the services 'computer browser' not needed anymore, then the user disable the service "computer browser", and so on. Disable unnecessary services that are usually also aims to improve performance rather than the computer.
To make changes to the way services are:
Double click on a service that will be changed or right click> properties.
In the window that appears select the one option on the startup type (automatic, manual, disabled)
Click [start] on the service status and then click [OK].
If you want to restore the settings windows xp services to default, my friend can do it manually (the file. Doc) or automatically (file. Reg). Please be downloaded here
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